John Deeley

John Deeley 1957I had a strong recollection of meeting John's Mum while I was at Queen Mary College, University of London, in the mid-60s, so I made some enquiries.  Below is an email I received on March 24th 2010.

Hello Chris

Your wonderful effort on tracking through QMC worked and yes it is a voice from the very distant past. Mum sadly passed away some 9 years ago from cancer but the college tracked down my step-father and here I am.  How truly great to hear from you, and I so look forward to the possibility of meeting again. I seem to think I have a picture of us both in rugby kit somewhere.  I would have been in the Navy when you were at QMC (strangely enough I joined the RN as a trainee pilot part of the course being heavily biased towards engineering) and since then have worked in the offshore oil industry and the financial services industry covering various parts of the globe.  

My latest endeavor is my own, resulting from one of my daughter’s interest in horses.  I have 3 girls and a boy and 3 grandchildren.  At present my wife Chelsea and I are living in Godshill, Isle of Wight having just returned from 3 years in Australia and latterly 3 in the USA. The IOW is temporary whilst we find out where we want to live, probably Hampshire/West Sussex area starting in June.

How about you, where do you live and is there a number I can call you on.

My best number is my mobile 07500 091650.

This is the most wonderful surprise.

Kindest regards
